Smith JG, Lopazanski C†, Free CM, Brun J, Anderson C, Carr MH, Claudet J, Dugan JE, Eurich JG, Francis TB, Gill DA, Hamilton SL, Kaschner K, Mouillot D, Raimondi PT, Starr RM, Ziegler SL, Malone D, Marraffini ML, Parsons-Field A, Spiecker B, Yeager M, Nickols KJ, Caselle JE (2025) Conservation benefits of a large marine protected area network across multiple ecosystems. Conservation Biology: e14435. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Viana DF, Gill D, Zvoleff A, Krueck NC, Zambroni-Mason J, Free CM, Shepon A, Grieco D, Schmidhuber J, Mascia MB, Golden CD (2024) Sustainable-use marine protected areas to improve human nutrition. Nature Communications 15: 7716. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Gill DA, Lester SE, Free CM, Pfaff A, Iversen E, Reich BJ, Yang S, Ahmadia G, Andradi-Brown DA, Darling ES, Edgar GJ, Fox HE, Geldmann J, Trung Le D, Mascia MB, Mesa-Gutiérrez R, Mumby PJ, Veverka L, Warmuth LM (2024) A diverse portfolio of marine protected areas can better advance global conservation and equity. PNAS 121(10): e2313205121. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Free CM, Smith JG, Lopazanski CJ†, Brun J, Francis TB, Eurich JG, Claudet J, Dugan JE, Gill D, Hamilton SL, Kaschner K, Mouillot D, Ziegler SL, Caselle JE, Nickols KJ (2023) If you build it, they will come: coastal amenities facilitate human engagement in marine protected areas. People and Nature 5(5): 1592-1609. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Smith JG, Free CM, Lopazanski CJ†, Brun J, Anderson CR, Carr MH, Claudet J, Dugan JE, Eurich JG, Francis TB, Hamilton SL, Kaschner K, Mouillot D, Raimondi PT, Starr RM, Ziegler SL, Nickols KJ, Caselle JE (2023) A marine protected area network does not confer community structure resilience to a marine heatwave across coastal ecosystems. Global Change Biology 29(19): 5634-5651. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Caselle JE, Nickols KJ, Smith JG, Lopazanski C, Brun J, Free CM, Anderson C, Carr M, Claudet J, Dugan J, Eurich J, Francis T, Gill D, Hamilton S, Kaschner K, Mouillot D, Raimondi P, Starr R, Ziegler S (2022) A synthesis of ecological and social outcomes from the California Marine Protected Area (MPA) network. NCEAS Working Group Final Report to the CA Ocean Protection Council and the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife. [link] [PDF]
Gill DA, Mascia MB, Ahmadia GN, Glew L, Lester SE, Barnes M, Craigie I, Darling E, Free CM, Geldmann J, Holst S, Jensen OP, White AT, Basurto X, Coad L, Gates RD, Guannel G, Mumby PJ, Thomas H, Whitmee S, Woodley S, Fox HE (2017) Capacity shortfalls hinder the performance of marine protected areas globally. Nature 543: 665-669. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]