Climate-ready fisheries


Ma D, Halpern BS, Abrahms B, Allgeier J, García Molinos J, Free CM, Frazier M, Kaschner K, Weeks BC, Carter NH. Strategic planning could reduce global mariculture impacts on marine biodiversity while expanding seafood production. In first review at Nature.

Bennett A, Mason JG, Battista W, Free CM, Gephart JA, Kleisner KM, Rice ED, Robinson KF, Virdin J. The future of nutrition-sensitive fisheries governance under climate change: Prospects and limits of management and allocation interventions. In first review at Environmental Research: Food Systems.

Eurich JG**, Friedman WR**, Kleisner KM**,  Zhao LZ**, Free CM, Fletcher M, Mason JG, Tokunaga K, Aguion A, Dell’Apa A, Dickey-Collas M, Fujita R, Golden CD, Hollowed AB, Ishimura G, Karr KA, Kasperski S, Kisara Y, Lau JD, Mangubhai S, Osman L, Pecl GT, Schimdt JO, Allison EH, Sullivan PJ, Cinner JE, Griffis RB, McClanahan TR, Stedman RC, Mills KE (2024) Diverse pathways for climate resilience in marine fishery systems. Fish and Fisheries 25: 38-59. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric] ** denotes shared first authorship

Free CM, Bellquist LF, Forney KA, Humberstone J, Kauer K, Lee Q, Liu OR, Samhouri JF, Wilson JR, Bradley D (2023) Static management presents a simple solution to a dynamic fishery and conservation challenge. Biological Conservation 285110249[link] [PDF] [Altmetric]

Smith JG, Free CM, Lopazanski CJ, Brun J, Anderson CR, Carr MH, Claudet J, Dugan JE, Eurich JG, Francis TB, Hamilton SL,  Kaschner K, Mouillot D, Raimondi PT,  Starr RM, Ziegler SL, Nickols KJ, Caselle JE (2023) A marine protected area network does not confer community structure resilience to a marine heatwave across coastal ecosystems. Global Change Biology 29(19): 5634-5651[link] [PDF] [Altmetric]

Free CM, Anderson SC, Hellmers EA, Muhling BA, Navarro MO, Richerson K, Rogers LA, Satterthwaite WH, Thompson AR, Burt JM, Gaines SD, Marshall KN, White JW, Bellquist LF (2023) Impact of the 2014-16 marine heatwave on US and Canada West Coast fisheries: surprises and lessons from key case studies. Fish and Fisheries 24: 652-674. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]

Teneva L, Free CM, Hume A, Agostini VN, Klein CJ, Watson RA, Gaines SD (2023) Small island nations can achieve food security benefits through climate-adaptive blue food governance by 2050. Marine Policy 151: 105577. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]

Free CM, Mangin T, Wiedenmann J, McVeigh H, Smith C, Gaines SD (2023) Harvest control rules used in US federal fisheries management and implications for climate resilience. Fish and Fisheries 24(2): 248-262. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]

Free CM, Mangin T, McVeigh H, Smith C, Gaines SD (2022) Harvest control rules used in U.S. federal fisheries and implications for climate resilience. Environmental Defense Fund, Boston. [PDF]

Free CM, Cabral RB, Froehlich HE, Battista W, Ojea E, O’Reilly E, Palardy JE, Garcia Molinos J, Siegel K, Arnason R, Juinio-Meñez MA, Fabricius K, Turley C, Gaines SD (2022) Expanding ocean food production under climate change. Nature 605: 490-‌496. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]

Free CM, Moore SK, Trainer VL (2022) The value of monitoring in efficiently and adaptively managing biotoxin contamination in marine fisheries. Harmful Algae 114: 102226. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]

Mason JG**, Eurich JG**, Lau JD**, Battista W, Free CM, Mills KE, Tokunaga K, Zhao LZ, Dickey-Collas M, Valle M, Pecl GT, Cinner JE, McClanahan TR, Allison EH, Friedman WR, Silva C, Yáñez E, Barbieri MÁ, Kleisner KM (2021) Attributes of climate resilience in fisheries: from theory to practice. Fish and Fisheries 23: 522-544. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric] ** denotes shared first authorship

Free CM, Mangin T, García Molinos J, Ojea E, Burden M, Costello C, Gaines SD (2020) Realistic fisheries management reforms could mitigate the impacts of climate change in most countries. PLoS One 15(3): e0224347. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]

Gaines S, Cabral R, Free CM, Golbuu Y, et al. (2019) The expected impacts of climate change on the ocean economy. World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C. [link] [PDF]

Free CM, Thorson JT, Pinsky ML, Oken KL, Wiedenmann J, Jensen OP (2019) Impacts of historical warming on marine fisheries production. Science 363(6430): 979-983. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]

Software and tools

NCEAS CRF Working Group (2023) Climate-Resilient Fisheries Planning Tool. Available at:

Free CM, Millage KD (2021) NutriCast: A web-based tool to explore forecasted nutritional gains from marine fisheries and mariculture reforms under climate change. Available at:

Free CM (2020) FishCast: Impact of climate change and management reforms on marine fishers. Available at: