Free CM, Moore SM, Holland D, Shelton A. Predicting domoic acid depuration timelines in the US West Coast Dungeness crab fishery. Near submission to Harmful Algae.
Fang Y†, Carretta JV, Free CM. Estimates and drivers of protected species bycatch in the California set gillnet fishery. In first revision at Biological Conservation. [pre-print]
Smith JG, Lopazanski C†, Free CM, Brun J, Anderson C, Carr MH, Claudet J, Dugan JE, Eurich JG, Francis TB, Gill DA, Hamilton SL, Kaschner K, Mouillot D, Raimondi PT, Starr RM, Ziegler SL, Malone D, Marraffini ML, Parsons-Field A, Spiecker B, Yeager M, Nickols KJ, Caselle JE (2025) Conservation benefits of a large marine protected area network across multiple ecosystems. Conservation Biology: e14435. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Free CM, Bellquist LF, Forney KA, Humberstone J, Kauer K, Lee Q, Liu OR, Samhouri JF, Wilson JR, Bradley D (2023) Static management presents a simple solution to a dynamic fishery and conservation challenge. Biological Conservation 285: 110249. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Free CM, Smith JG, Lopazanski CJ†, Brun J, Francis TB, Eurich JG, Claudet J, Dugan JE, Gill D, Hamilton SL, Kaschner K, Mouillot D, Ziegler SL, Caselle JE, Nickols KJ (2023) If you build it, they will come: coastal amenities facilitate human engagement in marine protected areas. People and Nature 5(5): 1592-1609. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Smith JG, Free CM, Lopazanski CJ†, Brun J, Anderson CR, Carr MH, Claudet J, Dugan JE, Eurich JG, Francis TB, Hamilton SL, Kaschner K, Mouillot D, Raimondi PT, Starr RM, Ziegler SL, Nickols KJ, Caselle JE (2023) A marine protected area network does not confer community structure resilience to a marine heatwave across coastal ecosystems. Global Change Biology 29(19): 5634-5651. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Free CM, Anderson SC, Hellmers EA, Muhling BA, Navarro MO, Richerson K, Rogers LA, Satterthwaite WH, Thompson AR, Burt JM, Gaines SD, Marshall KN, White JW, Bellquist LF (2023) Impact of the 2014-16 marine heatwave on US and Canada West Coast fisheries: surprises and lessons from key case studies. Fish and Fisheries 24: 652-674. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Free CM, Moore SK, Trainer VL (2022) The value of monitoring in efficiently and adaptively managing biotoxin contamination in marine fisheries. Harmful Algae 114: 102226. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Free CM, Vargas Poulsen C†, Bellquist LF, Wassermann SN, Oken KL (2022) The CALFISH database: a century of California’s non-confidential fisheries landings and participation data. Ecological Informatics 69: 101599. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Caselle JE, Nickols KJ, Smith JG, Lopazanski C, Brun J, Free CM, Anderson C, Carr M, Claudet J, Dugan J, Eurich J, Francis T, Gill D, Hamilton S, Kaschner K, Mouillot D, Raimondi P, Starr R, Ziegler S (2022) A synthesis of ecological and social outcomes from the California Marine Protected Area (MPA) network. NCEAS Working Group Final Report to the CA Ocean Protection Council and the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife. [link] [PDF]
Free CM (2022) Assessment of associated landed species and bycatch discards in the California halibut gill net and trawl fisheries. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Sacramento, CA.
Other US-based publications
Free CM, Kitchel ZJ, Seeley M. Catch allocation policies in US federal fisheries management and implications for climate resilience. Near submission to Fish and Fisheries.
Free CM, Mangin T, Wiedenmann J, McVeigh H†, Smith C†, Gaines SD (2023) Harvest control rules used in US federal fisheries management and implications for climate resilience. Fish and Fisheries 24(2): 248-262. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Safiq A†, Free CM, Caracappa J, Valenti J, Jensen OP (2021) Perceptions of ecosystem-based fisheries management among state natural resource agency scientists in the Northeastern United States. Fisheries 46(2) 66-75. [link] [PDF]
Wiedenmann J, Free CM, Jensen OP (2019) Evaluating the performance of data-limited methods for setting catch targets through application to data-rich stocks: A case study using Northeast U.S. fish stocks. Fisheries Research 209: 129-142. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Smith MA, Walker NJ, Free CM, Kirchhoff MJ, Drew GS, Warnock ND, Stenhouse IJ (2014) Identifying marine Important Bird Areas using at-sea survey data. Biological Conservation 172: 180–189. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Powers SP, Hernandez FJ, Condon RH, Drymon JM, Free CM (2013) Novel pathways for injury from offshore oil spills: Direct, sublethal and indirect effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on pelagic Sargassum communities. PLoS One 8(9): e74802. [link] [PDF] [Altmetric]
Software and tools
Free CM et al. (2021) wcfish: U.S. West Coast fisheries data. Available at:
Free CM (2019) RAM Legacy Stock Boundary Database Viewer. Available at: